I had the wonderful opportunity to create an artist bag for "TIMBUK2's Charity Auction for the Homeless Youth" taking place June 15th 2006 in San Francisco.
Their website posted some small thumbnails of my bag, so I thought I'd post some larger ones here and a bit more on the idea for the bag.
The sketch bag is intended to invite others to continue the art, sketch, and vision. Scribble over what you don't like and continue what excites you. Add a bit of you into the canvas. Art is an opinion and should be shared and continued with others. Through this process, the canvas bag continuously grows with dialogue amongst opinions, hence gaining a story about the art. In a way, it's an open-source bag platform everyone can interact with.
I had a few days to make something, so I grabbed what I had at my desk (a sharpie and white-out pen) and scribbled away stuff from my sketchbook. Nothing fancy, but I had fun doing it. Hopefully it auctions for a good amount of money for a great cause.
My bag can be viewed here. Other artist bags can be viewed here.